
Daima streamlines the plan-checking process

One quick scan shows which areas of your design are code-compliant - and which need resolving. Our compliance platform works inside Revit as you design.


Compliance Themes Covered

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Visualize Clearance Issues


Daima makes ADA-compliant bathrooms a breeze, showing clearance boundaries around and under fixtures. No more second-guessing about grab-bar heights and clear floor space.

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 Frequently Asked Questions

What sections of code does Daima cover?

From your feedback, Daima scans the majority of 2010 ADAAG guidelines. Specifically, sections 3, 4, 5, and 6. New rules are added regularly, prioritized by your votes.

Where in the project lifecycle should we use Daima?

Architects should use Daima throughout the entire duration of the project lifecycle to keep vision + compliance aligned. As you’re laying down the structure, Daima reminds you right away if you’re missing accessibility access. When you have greater fidelity, Daima drills down into the gritty building codes.

Your QA/QC team can use Daima as a preflight-check before a major milestone submittal. Daima also helps catch modeling “shortcuts” (no more using a Floor object to create Stairs!)


Do we have to use special Revit families to make Daima work?

Absolutely not! Daima scans your model as-is, with your existing Revit families. Daima even goes inside your grouped objects when searching for non-compliant areas.

As a modeling best-practice, we recommend your models use standard Revit objects and Families. (this does not mean rotating a Floor object 90 degrees and calling it a wall!)

We need some specific codes, can you add those?

Absolutely - reach out to We may already have a ruleset that meets your needs.

What platforms are supported?

Daima runs on Autodesk Revit 2018, 2019, and 2020

Would you like ARCHICAD support? If so, email with your firm size so we can understand how to best support your team.